
One of the U.S. Army’s newest Functional Areas (FA), Logistics, combines the areas of Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation. Because of the advanced expertise and training needed to become a logistics officer, this FA is only open to those holding the rank of captain and higher in the Army.

Created due to an increasing need for multi-skilled leaders, officers serving in Logistics are focused on the complete picture of supply, maintenance, and transportation. This is in direct response to the multifunctional needs of today’s modern battlefield.

To become a logistics officer, you must first complete advanced officer training. During this training, called the Combined Logistics Captains Career Course, you will learn to anticipate the needs for brigade combat teams and brigade support battalions. The establishment of this FA continues the Army’s progress toward achieving a cadre of multi- skilled leaders.

Serve in one of more than 16 Functional Areas, including Logistics (described here), to Acquisitions to Public Affairs to Foreign Area Officer. For the full list, refer to DA PAM 611-21.